Easy Home Cardio Exercises
This site contains exercises designed to help ensure your cardio health without the purchase of cardio equipment such as treadmills, stationary bikes, or elliptical machines.
October 17, 2006
Easy Home Cardio Exercise: Cross Country Skiers
Cross Country Skiers: This is a great cardiovascular exercise that involves total body movement that simulates cross county skiing. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Start in an upright position with the legs in a staggered stance (one leg about 3 feet in front of the other).
- If the left foot is in front, put the right arm out in front, and visa-versa.
- Start the movement by shifting the feet (right foot in front) and the arms. Make sure the front arm goes up in the air and the back arm should be down at the side, slightly behind.
- Repeat to the other side. Keep repeating in a continuous fashion for a timed period. Make sure to keep the core tight throughout the exercise.
This home cardio exercise tip brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 10:04 AM | TrackBack (0)
October 12, 2006
Easy Home Cardio Exercise: Invisible Jump Rope
Invisible Jump Rope. This traditional exercise can also be used without any equipment, which can sometimes get in the way. It focuses on conditioning, core, and ankle stability and strength. To perform this exercise correctly,
1 Start in an upright position, with the feet shoulder-width apart.
2 Pretend that you are holding a jump rope in your hands elbows stay in at the side
3 Begin by jumping, pushing off on the toes and swinging your arms in a circular motion, as if there was a jump rope in your hands.
4 Repeat for a number of repetitions or a timed period.
This exercise brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 11:54 AM | TrackBack (0)
October 6, 2006
Easy Home Cardio Exercise: Traditional Jumping Jacks
Traditional Jumping Jacks: This traditional exercise can still be a challenging exercise. It focuses on conditioning and total body endurance. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Start in an upright position with the feet together and hands to the side.
- Begin the movement by jumping vertically while at the same time move the feet out shoulder width apart and the hands coming up above the head.
- Return to starting position and repeat for a number of repetitions or a timed period.
- Make sure the core stays tight and the movements are quick and controlled.
This exercise brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 9:59 AM | TrackBack (0)
October 3, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Rotating-Pivoting Upper Cuts
Home Cardio Exercise: Rotating-Pivoting Upper Cuts. This is a great conditioning exercise that improves trunk flexibility, shoulder endurance and is also a great way to release stress. To perform this exercise correctly,
- Start in an upright position with the feet pointing straight, shoulder-width apart. Make a fist with the hands and place them in front of the face.
- Begin the movement by cocking the right elbow back and rotating to the left side while swinging an upper cut punch, stopping at eye level, and pivoting the right foot towards the punch. Repeat with the left side.
- Make sure to pivot with every punch, but keeping the head straight at all times. Make the movements fast and explosive.
- Advanced clients can use light weight from 1 to 5 lbs.
Repeat for a number of repetitions or a timed period.
This exercise brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 9:27 AM | TrackBack (0)
September 13, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Rotating-Pivoting Punches
Home Cardio Exercise: Rotating-Pivoting Punches. This is a great conditioning exercise that improves trunk flexibility, shoulder endurance and is also a great way to release stress. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Start in an upright position with the feet pointing straight, shoulder-width apart. Make a fist with the hands and place them in front of the face.
- Begin the movement by punching with the right hand to the left side, using trunk rotation and pivoting the right foot towards the punch. Return to starting position, repeating with the left side.
- Make sure to pivot with every punch, but keeping the head straight at all times. Make the movements fast and explosive.
- Advanced clients can use light weight from 1-5 lbs.
- Repeat for a number of repetitions or a timed period.
This home cardio exercise tip brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 11:35 AM | TrackBack (0)
September 7, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Bodyweight Base Rotation
This exercise improves on rapid response and is great for conditioning the core muscles. This drill can also improve an athlete’s core performance. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Begin with the feet shoulder width apart and a slight bend in the knees (45 degree angle). Make sure that the shoulders are squared and aligned with the body
- Begin the movement with a small hop while rotating the hips 45 degrees to the right and the arms counter rotate to the left. Make sure the shoulders stay facing forward by only using the hips.
- Quickly hop while rotating the hips to the left and the arms counter rotating to the right. Make sure the shoulders stay facing forward by only using the hips.
- Pretend there is an “X” on the floor and your feet move to the ends of the “X”
- Make sure to rotate from the trunk, not the shoulders
This home cardio exercise tip brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 12:06 PM | TrackBack (0)
September 5, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Hopscotch Drill
Hopscotch Drill. This exercise is great for conditioning or increasing performance for an athlete. This drill is also great for increasing balance, stability, and reaction. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Begin with the feet shoulder width apart
- With every move, you are going to be hopping forward
- Start by hopping forward onto the right leg, then hop forward landing on both feet
- Continue by hopping forward to the left leg, and then hop forward landing on both feet again.
- Continue this pattern for repetitions or a timed period.
This home cardio exercise tip brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 12:10 PM | TrackBack (0)
August 31, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers. This is a great conditioning exercise that increases core strength and endurance. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Begin in a push-up position (arms lined up with the chest, legs extended out)
- Make sure to keep the head in line with the body and the stomach muscles contracted throughout the range of motion.
- Start the movement by bringing the right knee to the chest and back to starting position.
- Quickly alternate to the left leg and continue this movement for a timed period (anywhere from 30 seconds – 5 minutes).
This home cardio exercise tip brought to you by the Dallas personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 1:24 PM | TrackBack (0)
August 29, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Swimmers
Swimmers. This is a great exercise to strengthen the core while providing cardiovascular endurance and at the same time involving the entire body. To perform this exercise correctly
- Lie on the stomach with the arms and legs extended straight in line with the body
- Make sure to keep the head looking down so that it is in line with the body.
- Begin by lifting the chest, arms and legs slightly off the floor keeping the head in line. The only body part touching the floor should be the trunk.
- Lift the right arm and left leg up and then quickly alternate to the left arm and right leg. Continue in this motion at a quick pace while keeping the stomach, legs, and glutes tight throughout the motion.
- Perform for a timed period, anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes
- Make sure not to shrug the shoulders, and also the arms and legs do not touch the floor.
This home cardio exercise tip brought to you by the Dallas Personal trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 9:36 AM | TrackBack (0)
August 22, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Lunge Jumps
This exercise is a very effective way to firm, shape, tone, build and increase muscular endurance for the legs. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Stand in a lunge position, right foot forward
- Make sure to keep your hands behind your head
- Jumping up and switch foot position in mid-air, landing in a lunge position, with the left foot forward, keeping the hands behind the head.
- Repeat 10-15 repetitions, or timed
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 3:26 PM | TrackBack (0)
August 14, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise Tip: Sports Cord Ice-Skaters
Sports Cord Ice-Skaters: This exercise is great for working on stability while keeping the heart rate up. It also helps increase speed and power in runners. Make sure you have mastered the ice-skaters without resistance before starting this exercise. To perform this exercise correctly, make sure that there is enough room for the person to jump laterally (side to side) such as outside or an open facility. A second person may be required for assistance.
- Loop the sports cord around the torso so that one handle is free. Tie the other handle of the sports cord to the bottom of a door, a stable object, or have the 2nd person hold the other end close to the ground, firmly.
- Begin in an athletic position, with the cord to the right side of the body.
- Standing on the right leg, bound to the left, landing on the left leg.
- Bound back to the right, landing on the right leg. Repeat for a number of repetitions or a timed period.
- Switch the cord to the left side of the body, and repeat the motion for a number of repetitions or a timed period.
- Key points: Remember to go for distance on each bound. When landing, make sure to absorb the pressure by leaning forward, putting most of the resistance in the glutes and quads.
This home cardio tip brought to you by the Personal Trainers from Fitness Trainers To Go.
Posted by Dallas Personal Trainer at 9:40 AM | TrackBack (0)
August 3, 2006
Home Cardio Exercise: Sports Cord Running/Jogging in Place
Sports Cord Running/Jogging in Place: This is an excellent exercise to improve speed, quickness and conditioning. It also improves balance and lower body strength and power. Two people are required for this exercise. To perform this exercise correctly:
- Begin by putting the sports cord around the torso. It is highly recommended that someone hold the other end of the sports cord. TIGHTLY.
- Walk out, allowing a bit of room for tension in the cord. Start running in place, getting the knees up high and rapidly moving the arms at the same time.
- Continue running for a timed period.
- Moving the arms faster will neurologically make the legs move faster.
This home cardio tip brought to you by the Personal Trainers form Fitness Trainers To Go.
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